
In Magento 2 Repository considered as an implementation of Facade pattern which provides a simplified interface to a larger body of code responsible for Domain Entity management The main intention is to make API more readable and reduce dependencies of business logic code on the inner workings of a module, since most code uses the facade, thus allowing more flexibility in developing the system Along with this such approach helps to segregate two responsibilities: 1. Repository now could be considered as an API - Interface for usage (calling) in the business logic 2. Separate class-commands to which Repository proxies initial call (like, Get Save GetList Delete) could be considered as SPI - Interfaces that you should extend and implement to customize current behaviour There is no delete method. It is related to that Source can't be deleted due to we don't want miss data related to Sources (like as order information). But Source can be disabled Used fully qualified namespaces in annotations for proper work of WebApi request parser