Lists items that are assigned to a specified cart

GET /V1/carts/mine/items

Lists items that are assigned to a specified cart.


GET /V1/carts/mine/items
curl \
 -X GET https://magento2.winkelstraat.mac/rest/all/V1/carts/mine/items
Response examples (200)
    "item_id": 42,
    "sku": "string",
    "qty": 42.0,
    "name": "string",
    "price": 42.0,
    "product_type": "string",
    "quote_id": "string",
    "product_option": {
      "extension_attributes": {
        "custom_options": [
            "option_id": "string",
            "option_value": "string",
            "extension_attributes": {
              "file_info": {
                "base64_encoded_data": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "name": "string"
        "bundle_options": [
            "option_id": 42,
            "option_qty": 42,
            "option_selections": [
            "extension_attributes": {}
        "downloadable_option": {
          "downloadable_links": [
        "giftcard_item_option": {
          "giftcard_amount": "string",
          "custom_giftcard_amount": 42.0,
          "giftcard_sender_name": "string",
          "giftcard_recipient_name": "string",
          "giftcard_sender_email": "string",
          "giftcard_recipient_email": "string",
          "giftcard_message": "string",
          "extension_attributes": {
            "giftcard_created_codes": [
        "configurable_item_options": [
            "option_id": "string",
            "option_value": "string",
            "extension_attributes": {}
        "grouped_options": [
            "id": 42,
            "qty": 42,
            "extension_attributes": {}
    "extension_attributes": {
      "discounts": [
          "discount_data": {
            "amount": 42.0,
            "base_amount": 42.0,
            "original_amount": 42.0,
            "base_original_amount": 42.0
          "rule_label": "string",
          "rule_i_d": 42
      "negotiable_quote_item": {
        "item_id": 42,
        "original_price": 42.0,
        "original_tax_amount": 42.0,
        "original_discount_amount": 42.0,
        "extension_attributes": {
          "negotiated_price_type": 42,
          "negotiated_price_value": 42.0,
          "last_item_notes": [
              "note_id": 42,
              "negotiable_quote_item_id": 42,
              "creator_type": 42,
              "creator_id": 42,
              "note": "string",
              "created_at": "string",
              "extension_attributes": {}
      "size": "string",
      "color": "string",
      "merchant_product_reference": "string",
      "category_code": "string",
      "image": "string",
      "mpn": "string",
      "msrp": 42.0,
      "manufacturer_code": "string",
      "manufacturer_name": "string",
      "merchant_code": "string",
      "merchant_name": "string",
      "merchant_city": "string",
      "parent_sku": "string",
      "is_sale": true,
      "return_item_fee": 42.0,
      "base_return_item_fee": 42.0,
      "is_outlet": true
Response examples (401)
  "message": "string",
  "errors": [
      "message": "string",
      "parameters": [
          "resources": "string",
          "fieldName": "string",
          "fieldValue": "string"
  "code": 42,
  "parameters": [
      "resources": "string",
      "fieldName": "string",
      "fieldValue": "string"
  "trace": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "message": "string",
  "errors": [
      "message": "string",
      "parameters": [
          "resources": "string",
          "fieldName": "string",
          "fieldValue": "string"
  "code": 42,
  "parameters": [
      "resources": "string",
      "fieldName": "string",
      "fieldValue": "string"
  "trace": "string"
Response examples (default)
  "message": "string",
  "errors": [
      "message": "string",
      "parameters": [
          "resources": "string",
          "fieldName": "string",
          "fieldValue": "string"
  "code": 42,
  "parameters": [
      "resources": "string",
      "fieldName": "string",
      "fieldValue": "string"
  "trace": "string"