Get the providers that the user still needs to configure

GET /V1/tfa/tfat-providers-to-activate

Get the providers that the user still needs to configure


  • 200 Success.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    2FA provider interface

    • enabled boolean Required

      True if this provider has been enabled by admin

    • engine object Required

      2FA engine interface

      Hide engine attribute Show engine attribute object
      • enabled boolean Required

        True if this provider has been enabled by admin

    • code string Required

      Provider code

    • name string Required

      Provider name

    • icon string Required


    • reset_allowed boolean Required

      True if this provider configuration can be reset

    • configure_action string Required

      Configure action

    • auth_action string Required

      Auth action

    • extra_actions array[string] Required

      Allowed extra actions

  • Unexpected error

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • message string Required

      Error message

    • errors array[object]

      Error details

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      Error details

      • message string

        Error message

      • parameters array[object]

        Error parameters item

        Hide parameters attributes Show parameters attributes object

        Error parameters item

    • code integer

      Error code

    • parameters array[object]

      Error parameters item

      Hide parameters attributes Show parameters attributes object

      Error parameters item

    • trace string

      Stack trace

GET /V1/tfa/tfat-providers-to-activate
curl \
 -X GET https://magento2.winkelstraat.mac/rest/all/V1/tfa/tfat-providers-to-activate?tfaToken=string
Response examples (200)
    "enabled": true,
    "engine": {
      "enabled": true
    "code": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "reset_allowed": true,
    "configure_action": "string",
    "auth_action": "string",
    "extra_actions": [
Response examples (default)
  "message": "string",
  "errors": [
      "message": "string",
      "parameters": [
          "resources": "string",
          "fieldName": "string",
          "fieldValue": "string"
  "code": 42,
  "parameters": [
      "resources": "string",
      "fieldName": "string",
      "fieldValue": "string"
  "trace": "string"