Returns the credit history for one
Returns the credit history for one or more companies.
Query parameters
Condition type
Sorting field.
Sorting direction.
searchCriteria[pageSize] integer
Page size.
searchCriteria[currentPage] integer
Current page.
curl \
--request GET https://magento2.winkelstraat.mac/rest/all/V1/companyCredits/history
Response examples (200)
"items": [
"id": 42,
"company_credit_id": 42,
"user_id": 42,
"user_type": 42,
"currency_credit": "string",
"currency_operation": "string",
"rate": 42.0,
"rate_credit": 42.0,
"amount": 42.0,
"balance": 42.0,
"credit_limit": 42.0,
"available_limit": 42.0,
"type": 42,
"datetime": "string",
"purchase_order": "string",
"custom_reference_number": "string",
"comment": "string"
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [
"filters": [
"field": "string",
"value": "string",
"condition_type": "string"
"sort_orders": [
"field": "string",
"direction": "string"
"page_size": 42,
"current_page": 42
"total_count": 42
Response examples (401)
"message": "string",
"errors": [
"message": "string",
"parameters": [
"resources": "string",
"fieldName": "string",
"fieldValue": "string"
"code": 42,
"parameters": [
"resources": "string",
"fieldName": "string",
"fieldValue": "string"
"trace": "string"
Response examples (500)
"message": "string",
"errors": [
"message": "string",
"parameters": [
"resources": "string",
"fieldName": "string",
"fieldValue": "string"
"code": 42,
"parameters": [
"resources": "string",
"fieldName": "string",
"fieldValue": "string"
"trace": "string"
Response examples (default)
"message": "string",
"errors": [
"message": "string",
"parameters": [
"resources": "string",
"fieldName": "string",
"fieldValue": "string"
"code": 42,
"parameters": [
"resources": "string",
"fieldName": "string",
"fieldValue": "string"
"trace": "string"